Does Shenzhen sweat steaming need nucleic acid proof? Learn about the latest regulations of Shenzhen Sweat steaming!

With the global spread of the novel coronavirus, many countries and regions have introduced a series of prevention and control measures to protect public health and safety. As a popular way to keep healthy, sweat steaming has also attracted attention. So, for the sweating places in Shenzhen area, do you need nucleic acid proof?

According to the latest notice issued by Shenzhen Health ***, at this stage, sweating places operating in the Shenzhen market do need to hold nucleic acid certificates. The regulation aims to further strengthen the management of epidemic prevention and control and protect the life safety of the public. For customers who go to the steaming place, providing proof of nucleic acid has become one of the conditions for admission.

Under the premise of having a nucleic acid certificate, customers can safely go to the sweat steaming place in Shenzhen and enjoy the fun of relaxation. For operators, the relevant regulations must be strictly observed to ensure the health and safety of the site. Only in this way can we maintain the good image of the sweat industry and promote the sustainable development of the industry.

In addition to nucleic acid certification, Shenzhen Health authorities have also issued other requirements for epidemic prevention. The steam place shall strengthen the internal ventilation, do a good job of disinfection, and ensure the hygienic condition of the place. At the same time, staff and customers should wear masks at all times and comply with social distancing requirements. These measures are designed to reduce the number of people gathering and reduce the risk of infection.

For customers, in addition to holding nucleic acid certificates, they should also cooperate with the epidemic prevention work of the site. Before entering the site, be sure to accept the temperature test of the site staff, and actively cooperate with the registration of relevant information. In addition, if there are symptoms of discomfort or suspected infection, they should seek medical attention in time and cooperate with the epidemiological investigation work of relevant departments.

In the long run, the impact of the epidemic on the sweat industry is inevitable. However, as long as the operation is carried out in accordance with the regulations and requirements of epidemic prevention, the sweat steaming industry still has great potential for development. After all, sweat steaming, as a traditional health regimen, has unique advantages and appeal. After the epidemic is effectively controlled, it is believed that people's demand for sweat steaming will gradually increase.

To sum up, for Shenzhen steaming places, nucleic acid proof is indeed required to enter. This regulation is to ensure public health and safety and effectively prevent and control the spread of the epidemic. Customers and operators need to abide by the relevant regulations, work together, and look forward to the early end of the epidemic, the sweat industry can return to the right track, and bring more health benefits to everyone.