[Shenzhen talk] Publicity! Shenzhen 2023 Yunnan Province moral model official recommended object list

According to the provincial Civilization Office's "Notice on the Selection and Commendation of 2023 Yunnan Province Moral Model" (Yun Civilization Office (2023) No. 24) requirements, from June 2023, the Publicity Department of Shenzhen Municipal Committee and the Municipal Civilization Office launched the 2023 Yunnan Province Moral model recommendation and selection work. In line with the principle of "openness, fairness and justice", after the recommendation of counties (cities and districts), departmental review, meeting review, provincial preliminary review and other procedures, 8 personnel in 5 categories, such as Long Zhiming and Yang Tangsheng, were identified as the official recommended personnel of Yunnan Province moral Model in 2023 in Shenzhen, and are now publicized to the society and accepted by the masses. Publicity Time: October 9 - October 13 Contact number: 0877-2062022 Shenzhen Spiritual Civilization Construction Committee Office on October 8, 2023 Public list of Shenzhen 2023 Yunnan Province moral model official recommendation list of personnel 01 for the category of good will Long Zhiming, male, Yi nationality, born in November 1961, a group of residents of Wadie community, Wadie Township, Yuanjiang County. Yang Tangsheng, male, Yi nationality, born in October 1965, a group of residents of Wadie community, Wadie Township, Yuanjiang County. Main story: On November 14, 2021, a fire broke out in a residential house in Waji Community, Waji Township, Yuanjiang County. Within a few minutes, the house was already filled with flames and billowing smoke. After discovering the fire, Yang Tangsheng called his companion Long Zhiming and ran to the burning house. Although they are no longer in the prime of life, their skill is not agile enough, but in the face of danger, they did not flinches, twice risking their lives to rush into the fire, and finally rescued the three mother and son safely. After the rescue of the mother and son three people, immediately into the fire fighting action, firefighters arrived at the scene, the fire has been controlled, although the house has collapsed, but the success of the surrounding civilian houses to avoid fire, protect the life and property safety of nearby residents, to minimize the disaster loss. Wang Shimei, female, Han nationality, born in March 1996, teacher of Jiulong Primary School, Jiulong Street, Tonghai County. Main story: Late at night on January 14, 2021, the gangster Xiang Mou (male, 41 years old, from Tonghai County) climbed over the wall and entered the Kowloon Primary School, Kowloon Street, Tonghai County, while everyone was resting. When the robber was stealing, the female teacher Wang Shimei found him in time. In order to prevent the robber from approaching the dormitory building where more than 100 students lived, Wang Shimei, regardless of her personal safety, always insisted on fighting with the robber. In the face of the robber's beating and life threat, she was fearless and clung to the robber until finally the teacher, security personnel and public security police came and surrounded her. The gangster was caught on the side of the school football field. Zhang Youhua, male, Yi nationality, born in April 1954, used to be deputy head of the former Donge Township of Yuanjiang County and secretary of the Party Committee of Yangcha Street Township. He retired from the Civil Affairs Bureau of Yuanjiang County in April 2014. Zhang Youhua is a retired employee of Yuanjiang County Civil Affairs Bureau. After retirement, he did not relax, but devoted himself to the party's theoretical propaganda work, he traveled all the villagers' groups in Manai community, actively understand the expectations of the masses, through newspapers, magazines, television, radio, etc., timely learn to master the party's line and policies as well as the provincial party committee, municipal Party committee decision-making deployment and work requirements, combined with the actual situation of the masses carefully write the propaganda outline. The success has created a good atmosphere for concerted efforts for development and unity to build harmony. Li Junwen, male, Lahu nationality, born in April 1973, member of the Communist Party of China, director of the clinic of Kudumu Village, Pingzhang Township. In 1996, Li Junwen came to Kumu Village, Pingzhang Township, Xinping County, Shenzhen, and became a rural doctor. Over the past 27 years, he has spent no time in the day or night, cold or heat, often starved and cold, and made house calls in the middle of the night, wholeheartedly helping villagers with medical treatment, prevention and health care. He paid for medicine for the needy, visited the clinic for special patients in the middle of the night, and never collected outpatient fees and handling fees. The doctor's benevolence, he silently acted as the "gatekeeper" of the villagers' health, crossed the mountains and rivers only to bring health and peace, he turned over every mountain in Kudumu village, walked through every family in Kudumu village, saved countless patients, and left his medical footprints everywhere. Qin Yue, male, Han nationality, born in Xingyi, Guizhou in September 1968, is a member of the Crystal City Villagers Group of Jinghu Village Committee, Dianzhong Town, Eshan County. Main story: Qin Yue was born in Xingyi, Guizhou Province. After marrying his wife Yi Fengxian in 1999, he settled in Jinghu Village, Dianzhong Town. Over the past 20 years, he has supported this ill-fated family with his hardworking hands. In a family of six people, his wife, daughter and father-in-law are suffering from mental disabilities, his elderly mother-in-law has lost the ability to work, and his son is still studying, so the burden of life falls on Qin Yue, even so, he still insists on supporting his daughter with mental disorders to study, and still insists on using his hard-working hands to improve the living conditions of the family. Over the past 20 years, he has devoted his efforts to silently guarding his disabled wife and children, never leaving them. He takes care of the seriously ill elderly in every way, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter; He insisted on supporting his children in spite of poverty, perseverance, the villagers praised him as a real man. Ma Qian, male, Han nationality, born in December 1980, President of Hongta District Six feet Public Welfare Association. Since 2006, Ma Qian has been helping the people around her in his own way. Until 2014, he established Six Feet Charity and has been committed to public welfare. At the beginning of Six feet Public Benefit, only the two of them, the development of more than 370 volunteers, all year round rotation to participate in six feet public welfare help action. Ma Qian led Liuchi volunteers to knit scarves, gloves, hats, etc. for sanitation workers and disabled people, and provided masks, hand creams, ice sleeves, ginger tea and other materials. Since 2018, more than 3,600 scarves have been woven and delivered, and more than 2,600 volunteers have participated in delivering warmth. We carry out the Love Children's Dream program and provide free teaching AIDS, school supplies and living materials to schools in remote mountainous areas and left-behind children, as well as schools for orphans in Qinghai, Sichuan and other places. So far, Liuchi volunteers have voluntarily purchased educational materials worth more than 215,400 yuan; Purchased CPR mannequins and Heimlich first aid equipment at their own expense, and volunteered to train more than 4,600 volunteers; During the Shenzhen mountain fire in April 2023, Ma Qian led Liuchi Public Welfare to help firefighters distribute supplies, and he led volunteers to fight from morning to night in logistics posts, four meals a day, a meal of 1,200 meals, a total of more than 34,000 meals. 05 Honest and trustworthy Pu Jianming, male, Yi nationality, born in February 1974, is a resident of Shangdele Qingxi Resident Group, Taiping Community, Guishan Street, Xinping County. Main story: On January 6, 2022, Pu Jianming went to Xinping County Gymnasium to get COVID-19 vaccine, and saw a handbag dropped on the road at the door of Fudian Bank, and no one picked it up. He picked it up and opened it and vaguely saw that it contained money, he waited in place for a long time, and did not see the owner come back to find it, but he could only take the handbag home and wait for the police station to hand it over the next day. When he returned home, he found 100,000 yuan in cash in his handbag. He immediately felt that the loss of so much cash, the owner should be particularly anxious, and immediately contacted the community staff to help find the owner. The next day, accompanied by community workers, he returned 100,000 yuan in cash to the owner and refused the reward offered by the owner. His family is not rich, but he can be honest and trustworthy, and collect money. Eight personnel in five categories, such as Long Zhiming and Yang Tangsheng, were identified as the official recommended personnel of Yunnan Province's moral model in 2023 in Shenzhen. ↓¤Pass by