Let me tell you about the bar near me the general situation package night 300 display may want to 500 general sound is absolutely in place is a good Internet cafe is not good to find, mainly afraid of U disk jack virus!
The new machine is expensive, but the old one is cheap.
Hardware is general, software is general 300
Hardware general software good 500
Hardware good software generally 800
Hardware is good software is also 1000
Plus, the computer can be taken to other places for an extra fee and can be assembled at will
Internet cafe package night 300? Are you fucking kidding me? 15 can't be more. Guangzhou East Station Internet cafe package night is only 30, good point 50
mmmmmmmmmn: Can pack night play
2014-8-28 03:40 Reply
Focus on memory time: Reply mmmmmmmmmn, but you said there are three hundred overnight?
2014-8-28 03:55 Reply
mmmmmmmmmn, : Reply focus memory time: All night is not a package night?
2014-8-28 04:50 Reply
Focus on memory time: reply mmmmmmmmmn, : The machine is rotten
2014-8-28 14:01 Reply